What is CHARMS and how do I sign up?
CHARMS is an online database program that Centaurus High School Band staff and the Centaurus Band Boosters use to send out band-wise communications and to track all of your payments toward your Annual Family Contribution (AFC), as well as extra band-related fees for things like band T-shirts, Winter Percussion, Winter Guard, mallets, individual sales credits, etc.
Each student has their own CHARMS account. Account statements are sent out quarterly and you can view your account status and contact information any time by logging into your CHARMS account.
Please note, you will need your student’s BVSD ID to log in to CHARMS. The school code is CentaurusHSBand.
Under the Login button, click on Parents/Students/Members. You will be prompted to enter our School Code: CentaurusHSBand. Next, you will be prompted to enter the Student Area Password. This is your student’s BVSD student ID (ask your student for this or we can give it to you). Please note, upon your first login, you may be asked to change your password from your Student’s ID to something more meaningful.
For help with CHARMS, contact the Centaurus Band Boosters Secretary and Database Administrator at centaurushs.band@gmail.com.
Please take a moment to download and review this CHARMS Login Tutorial
If you have any questions, please contact the Band Boosters treasurer at treasurer@centaurusband.org.